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Camouflaging itself and hiding from the eyes of others is certainly the opposite of what fashion is.
Rather it is to be seen, recognized and distinguished from others to express taste and personality.
However the fashion of CAMOUFLAGE makes this contradiction not real since fashion digests and encompasses everything and use decorations that the army or hunters are using to hide.
Here it serves only to show the spirit of adventure and outdoor.
I thought it would be useful to overcome these typical decorations of camouflage, used and seen too much,
by developing more creative and abstract designs that produce the same effect but at the same time are new. This is the purpose of this collection.
Short Introduction
Camouflaging itself and hiding from the eyes of others is certainly the opposite of what fashion is.
However the fashion of CAMOUFLAGE makes this contradiction not real since fashion digests everything.
These decorations that the army or hunters are using to hide serve only to show the spirit of adventure and outdoor.
I have develop abstract and more creative designs that produce the same effect but at the same time are new.