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Trend Bible Home & Interior Trends Spring Summer 2019 offers our global client base the opportunity to see a distilled, edited selection of research from over eight months of research by the Trend Bible team.
Clustered into four main design trends per season, each book blends our own styled photographs with sourced imagery that add a commercial dynamic to these 24 month forecasts.
Each book includes our Trend Driver reports that provide the context within which the design trends will exist, 4 key seasonal trends with colour, print, product, material and design detail directions.
Each trend has 8 Pantone colours, shown with colour combination suggestions. Included in the ebook are download links to all imagery featured in the book, digital colour palettes for ease of use when designing,
copyright free prints as vector files and a quick-reference Trend Takeaway document that summarises the trends.
This book is also available in limited edition print format with discounts available when both formats are bought together.
• 4 key seasonal trend directions from dedicated Home & Interior specialists.
• Trend Driver summary reports to support our trends.
• Pantone palettes with TCX references.
• Detailed colour combination pages showing the versatility of the palettes.
• Interactive pdf for use on desktop or tablet.
• Easily shared with your team and accessed while travelling.
Technical Details
• Title: Trend Bible Home & Interior, Spring Summer 2019 ebook
• Format: Digital - Interactive pdf with download links