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Our retail trend reports provide a comprehensive look at what's in store both sides of the Atlantic at key points in the season and for occasions.
Each report provides an analysis of the trends as seen in the most influential New York and London stores, covering homeware, gift, décor, stationery and tableware.
This report reflects what was in key stores for Autumn Winter 2016.
It covers a broad spectrum of homeware and lifestyle products such as greetings, giftware, decoration and tableware, where we have identified key trends and themes for this important season.
Each of the three trends identified covers micro themes within print & pattern, material, product and colour.
Throughout the report, our London and New York based researchers share their opinions and provide analysis of how these trends are developing and reflecting consumer behaviour.
• Clustered analysis of what's in store from dedicated Home & Interior specialists.
• Representation of what key retailers are offering in London and New York per season/occasion.
• Highlights most important in-season trends for major retailers.
• Informs product development for the following year.